Since 11/2014 project-based assignment at GIZ - German Cooperation
Since 01/2011 2nd floor – project development and communication. current projects
2004 - 2010 Flower Label Program Association (FLP) General Manager of international Association that aims to guarantee social and environmental standards in worldwide flower production.
2002 - 2003 terre des hommes, Officer Street Children / Child Labour.
2000 - 2002 Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF Department of Communication.
As the owner and founder of 2nd floor I am glad to bring in my expertise in the field of sustainable business, multi-stakeholder settings and supply chain management. In addition, I used to work as an independent author writing articles for example for DEGA- Produktion & Handel, a specialist magazine for gardeners and the retail sector. For project development I co-operated with partners such as beyond-flora. My participation in different networks on systemic social change like the SmartCSOs Lab is an important inspiration of my work.
I see myself working on the interface between civil society and business. As former director, officer and employee of organizations like Flower Label Programm, UNICEF and terre des hommes, I gained experience in handling international teams, media and interest groups.
Since November 2014 I work in several projects of GIZ, maily in the area of sustainable economic development. From November 2018 to June 2021 I was teamleader of the Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chain Initiative, an open multi-stakholder plattform bringing together private sector, civil society and governments. Since July 2021 I am based in Kigali, Rwanda and heading the programme Promotion of Economy and Employment in Rwanda.
My academic background is in Latin American Regional Studies. This included interdisciplinary learning including economics, politics, Romanic studies, and Ibero-American history. Economic policy was my major field of studies.